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Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does the licensing process take?

A: Depending on the type of license you are applying for (Therapeutic, Licensed AFL, or 1 Adult Unlicensed AFL Home) the process can take anywhere from 3 to 9 months from your initial interview depending on your level of commitment as well as the number of trainings & inspections you will need (based on home license type).


2. What trainings are required & does CSS offer these trainings?

A: In order to become a careprovider with CSS, individuals are required to have (but not limited to): CSS Orientation, CPR, First Aid, OSHA, NCI Core+, & Medication Administration. In addition to these core trainings, AFL providers are required to have Innovations Waiver training, while Therapeutic Parents are required to have MAPP training, 10 additional hours of Therapeutic training, & TFC Model of Care Training. CSS offers the core trainings monthly, and the additional AFL/Therapeutic trainings on an as-needed basis.


3. Do I have to be married to become a foster parent or careprovider?

A: No. You can be single, married, or divorced & still be approved to assist someone in need.


4. How old do I have to be to foster?

A: Foster parents/careproviders must be at least 21 years of age. There is no upper age limit.


5. Do I have to own my own home to become a foster parent/careprovider?

A: No. You can own your own home or rent, as long as there is space to accommodate the individual you will serve.  All foster parents/careproviders are required to have renters or home owners insurance, however.


6. What kinds of changes will I have to make to my home?

A: This will be discussed at length during the interview process, but an example of the types of changes families usually have to make include (but aren't limited to): posting a fire escape plan/layout in your home, mounting a 5lb. fire extinguisher on the wall, adjusting your hot water heater to dispense water between 100-116 degrees, and locking up chemicals, knives and medications. Please note that you are also required to have a bed and a bedroom designated specifically for the foster child/individual served. The room must be 100 square feet in size, or 160 square feet in size in order for 2 individuals to share a room.


7. How soon will an individual be placed in my home once I complete the licensing process?

A: CSS does not give out timeframes of how soon someone will be placed in your home. Length of time is based upon referrals received and finding the right match for the individuals we serve. Also, CSS prefers to have our new families provide part-time (or respite) care before receiving a full-time placement in order for them to better adjust to the transition.


8. How often does CSS receive referrals?

A: CSS typically receives referrals on a weekly basis. Not all referrals are accepted, however, due to the severity of need exhibited by the individual referred, and due to our commitment to match individuals with the family we feel can best meet their needs.

9. How many children/adults can I serve at once?

A: This depends on the license type, size of the home, and the number of children already living in the home. Typically, however, the state of NC does not permit families to serve more than 2 individuals simultaneously for Therapeutic Foster Care, and no more than 3 individuals simultaneously in a Licensed AFL home.


10. Can this be my full-time job?

A: While fostering is indeed a full-time job, at least one parent in the foster home must also have employment or a source of income outside of the stipend you will receive from CSS. The state requires that individuals/couples be able to meet the financial and emotional needs of their own families prior to becoming licensed foster parents.


11. Do foster parents/careproviders receive criminal background checks?

A. Prior to hire, and once per year thereafter, all CSS foster parents and careproviders are required to receive extensive local and national criminal background checks in order to best ensure the safety of the individuals we serve. Therapeutic parents are also subject to a fingerprint clearance check through the NC State Bureau of Investigation.  


*For a copy of the DHHS Criminal Background Check Review Policy (including items that would disqualify you from becoming a foster parent) CLICK HERE.

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