Therapeutic Foster Care
Therapeutic Foster Care (or TFC) services are available for males & females up to age 18, or 21 for qualifying individuals on a CARS Agreement. Individuals must have an Axis I mental health diagnosis to qualify to receive level 1 or level 2 TFC services. TFC is a 24 hours a day, 7 days per week service, provided by our licensed Therapeutic Foster Parents.
Our therapeutic foster parents (or TFPs) provide loving and nurturing homes while assisting the individuals served in reaching goals within their Person Centered Plan (or PCP). TFPs receive 24/7 support from our Qualified Mental Health Professionals and have extensive background checks prior to joining the CSS family.
Our therapeutic foster homes/parents are licensed through the NC State Licensing Authority in Black Mountain and are required to meet state & agency standards that help promote the safety & well-being of the children served. These standards include intensive training requirements as well as an array of health and safety criteria designed to promote improved mental and physical stability. *Funding for TFC services is available through NC Medicaid, NC Health Choice, & DSS.
Alternative Family Living
Alternative Family Living (or AFL) Homes are available for children and adults with intellectual developmental disabilities whose needs can be met in a residential family-style home (where services are provided 24/7). Our trained parents (or careproviders) assist the individuals in their homes with becoming more self-sufficient, more integrated in the community, and with achieving personalized goals from an Individualized Service Plan (or ISP). All of our AFL homes/ parents receive 24/7 support from our Qualified Professionals and are required to maintain state & agency standards that help promote the safety & well-being of the individuals served. These standards include intensive training requirements as well as an array of health and safety criteria designed to promote improved mental and physical stability. Careproviders also have extensive background checks prior to joining the CSS family. Services provided within our AFL homes fall into 2 separate categories:
NC Innovations Waiver Services:
Individuals on the NC Innovations Waiver may receive Residential Supports, Personal Care, In-Home Skill Building, Respite, or In-Home Intensive Support Services in an Unlicensed or Licensed AFL home. Unlicensed homes can serve one adult, and licensed homes can serve 1-3 children or adults. Community Support Service also employs legal guardians of individuals 18 years of age or older (receiving NC Innovations Waiver services) to serve as their careprovider.
IPRS State Funded Services:
Individuals who have been dually diagnosed with a mental health and developmental disability may qualify to receive State Funded Services. CSS offers Supervised Living, Personal Assistance, and Independent Living Services for these individuals. Services are typically provided in an AFL home or within one's own personal residence.
*Please contact your local Managed Care Organization providing IDD (Intellectual Developmental Disabilities) services if you have questions about the NC Innovations Waiver, IPRS State Funds, or how to apply for either.